Kylie van Dam / Omarmd

I'm an Aussie who's also lived 20 years in the UK and in 2010, with my husband and three children, shifted in NL for the norms and values we saw built in the physical infrastructure. To us they indicated human values, individual and collective, that allowed us and our children to be as well as we could be. We landed in Houten and I've since worked promoting Houten internationally as an brilliantly functioning model for how to live a modern life without the car dominating our space, our social constructions and our personal and collective health. If that's of value to you, I'm very happy to present.

At the moment I'm involved in a project to translate and update the record of Houten's modern history, originally published in 2013 as Het Groen Omarmd, in an effort to get the book onto academic shelves, coffee tables, into the hands of politicians and action groups world wide. I promote Houten via social media content makers, TV productions and written media.

Officially I work as an English language teacher of little Dutchies through songs I write for propose. However, I'm currently recovering from Long Covid, so have had more time to offer the urban space work than teaching, which has not been possible at all.

Coming from two car dominant patriarchal countries, there's no doubt in my mind that we need more women's voices in the room when idea's are brewed and decisions get made!

